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 Relaxed Refund & Re-booking Policy by Ethiopian Airlines

This policy is only applicable for Ethiopian airlines Ticket numbers  issued  before September 30, 2020 with a travel date  between 01 March 2020 to 30 November 2020.

  1. Date Changes:   
  • Unlimited changes are permitted free of charge if flight has not started operation or if the flight resumption date is rescheduled by Ethiopian Airlines .
  • For Ethiopian operational flights, free change is allowed only once.
  • New travel dates can be any date on/before December 31, 2021 (i.e.  the whole journey should be completed on or before DEC 31, 2021). 
  • If there is a difference in the airfare or applicable taxes, due to the reissue/rerouting of the ticket, the additional amount will need to be collected.
  1. keep your ticket Open: Original ticket can be kept with an open coupon status per below guidelines:
    • Both Fully unutilized tickets and/or partially utilized tickets will be valid for travel until 31st December 2021 (i.e. travel date must be on/before 31st December 2021).
    • There is no need to call or email us to change the ticket, if you have a cancelled booking. We will keep the ticket as open status for travels so that you can rebook it whenever you decide to travel until December 31,2021.
    • This ticket shall then be accepted at face value/residual value as payment for the new ticket for any date & flight number (not applicable for special flights like Charter flights, Cargo flights operating on passenger aircraft). 
  1. Voucher: Travel vouchers can be issued for partially used or fully unutilized value of the ticket and associated tickets for excess baggage, preferred seat and plus grade upgrading fees paid (if applicable) together. 
    • The validity of the travel voucher will be one year from the date of issuance of the voucher. 
    • Travel vouchers are issued per  the passengers name and are non-transferable.
    • Travel voucher can be requested online, hence you can request your travel voucher at the bottom of this page.
  2. Rerouting 
    • Rerouting is permitted by applying the applicable differences in fares, fees and taxes .

Terms and Conditions

  • For Ethiopian Flights which are currently available, No-show & rebooking fees are only waived once.
  • No-show & rebooking fees will not be applicable if flight is suspended or operation resumption  date is rescheduled by Ethiopian.
  • If there is a difference in the airfare or applicable taxes, due to the reissue/rerouting of the ticket, the additional amount will need to be collected.

Notwithstanding the above,  Ethiopian will fully comply with any specific mandatory local law or regulation that puts a different condition, criteria or rule on air ticket refunds. Please click here to find our worldwide offices contact for further explanations and additional options.

Refund request
Ethiopian Airlines A Star Alliance Member