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Update on ticket rules to/from Tel Aviv
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Request a travel voucher for future travel

Refund policy

Full Refund is authorized only in the form of a travel voucher/credit note for all ticketed bookings for travel between 01 March,2020 Until 30 September, 2020. Travel vouchers can be issued for fully unutilized value of the ticket and associated EMD (Ticket) for excess baggage, preferred seat and plus grade upgrading fees paid(if applicable) together.

Passengers whose travel date falls between 01 March - 30 September 2020    and tickets issued until August 31st, 2020 are eligible to:

  • Keep their ticket for travel until December 31,2021 (there is no need to call or email us to change the ticket, we will keep the ticket as open status for travels until December 31,2021 so that you can rebook it whenever you decide to travel)
  • Request a travel voucher for trips up to one year ahead.

Terms and conditions

  • This policy is applicable to all existing destinations across the Ethiopian international network (Excluding domestic flights within Ethiopia).
  • Travel vouchers are issued per passenger and are non-transferable.

Please ensure that your contact information is updated by visiting Manage Booking page of our website so we can let you know directly if your flight is affected.

If you have booked your ticket through a travel agent, please contact your travel agent to amend your booking or exchange your ticket for a future travel.


Refund request
Ethiopian Airlines A Star Alliance Member