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Update on ticket rules to/from Tel Aviv
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Part I . Payment

After having inserted your flight origin and destination, select fare, insert personal information, on Ethiopianairlines website the page will direct you to payment page. Then follow the steps seen below to complete your payment.

Click Mobile/wallet/local card payments and select the country of payment


Read the terms and conditions of the Booking and click submit


Select CBE and insert the required information

Open CBE mobile app and select transfer/beneficiary


Payment to Others Enter Account number, amount and reference for the transfer.


Confirm/Continue to complete the transfer.


You will receive notification of payment from CBE


Then Ethiopian ticket itinerary will be sent to you after a successful payment is made

Part II. How to download CBE App

You can download CBE mobile application here:-

For Android smart phone:-  CBE mobile app for android

For windows smart phone:- CBE mobile app for windows phone


Book a Flight

One Way Hin- und Rückflug Mehrere Destinationen
Departure airport is required
Invalid Departure Airport
Arrival airport is required
Invalid Arrival Airport
Departure airport is required
Arrival airport is required

Adult (Age +12), Child (Age 2-11), Infant (Up to 2 years)

Promotional code is a series of letters/numbers that allow you to get a discount on flights.

Ethiopian Airlines A Star Alliance Member