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Update on ticket rules to/from Tel Aviv
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  1. As used in this Conditions of Carriage: 
      “Ethiopian” or “ET” means Ethiopian Airlines Group.
      “Carriage” is equivalent to “transportation”, “carrier” means all air carries including ET that carry or undertake to carry the passenger or his/her baggage hereunder.
      “Checked Baggage” means Baggage of which the Carrier has agreed to take custody and for which a Baggage Identification Form has been issued.
      “Code shares” means carriage by air which will be operated by another carrier as indicated in the ticket.
      “Convention” means either of Warsaw Convention or Montreal Convention or both, as may be applicable.
      “Hague Protocol” means a protocol to the Warsaw Convention signed at The Hague, 28th September 1955.
      “Montreal Convention” means the Convention for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by Air, was agreed in Montreal on 28 May 1999.
      “SDR” means Special Drawing Right which is a unit of account of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the value of which is periodically defined by the IMF on the basis of the listed prices of several reference currencies.
      “Ticket” means a passenger ticket and baggage check, of which these conditions and the notices form part.
      “Unchecked Baggage or “Cabin Baggage” means all Baggage, including personal items, other than Checked Baggage. This Unchecked Baggage remains in the custody of the Passenger.
      “Warsaw Convention” means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw, 12th October 1929, or that Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol whichever may be applicable.
  2. Carriage hereunder is subject to the rules and limitations relating to liability established by either the Warsaw Convention (or any amendments thereof) or the Montreal Convention unless such carriage is not “international carriage” as defined by that Convention. 
  3. To the extent not in conflict with the foregoing, carriage and other services performed by each carrier are subject to:
    1. provisions contained in the ticket;
    2. applicable tariffs,
    3. Carrier’s conditions of carriage and related regulations which are made part hereof (and are available on application at the offices of carrier), except in transportation between a place in the United States or Canada and any place outside thereof to which tariffs in force in those countries apply.
  4. Carrier’s name may be abbreviated in the ticket, the full name and its abbreviation being set forth in carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage, regulations or timetables; carrier’s address shall be the airport of departure shown opposite the first abbreviation of carrier’s name in the ticket; the agreed stopping places are those places set forth in the ticket or as shown in carriers timetables as scheduled stopping places on the passenger’s route; carriage to be performed hereunder by several successive carriers is regarded as a single operation.
  5. An air carrier issuing a ticket for carriage over the lines of another air carrier does so only as its agent.
  6. Any exclusion or limitation of liability of. carrier shall apply to and be for the benefit of agents, servants and representatives of carrier and any person whose aircraft is used by carrier for carriage and its agents, servants and representatives.
  7. Checked baggage will be delivered to bearer of the baggage check. No action shall lie in the case of damage to baggage unless the person entitled to delivery complains to carrier forthwith after the discovery of the damage, and, in international air travel at the latest within 7 days from receipt; and in case of damage resulted due to delay, unless the complaint is made within 21 days from date on which the baggage was delivered. If a complaint is not filed within the time limits stipulated, all actions against the Carrier shall have lapsed and be inadmissible. See tariffs or conditions of carriage regarding non-international transportation.
  8. The ticket is good for carriage for one year from date of issue, except as otherwise provided in the ticket, in carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage, or related regulations. 
  9. Carrier undertakes to use its best efforts to carry the passenger and baggage with reasonable dispatch. Times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract. Carrier may without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket in case of necessity. Schedules are subject to change without notice. Carrier assumes no responsibility for making connections. 
  10. Passenger shall comply with government travel requirements, present exit, entry and other required documents and arrive at airport by time fixed by carrier or, if no time is fixed, early enough to complete departure procedures. 
  11. No agent servant or representative of carrier has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of this contract.


On some services we have arrangements with other carriers known as "Code Shares". This means that even if you have a reservation with us and hold a ticket where our name or airline designator code (ET) is indicated as the carrier, another carrier may operate the aircraft. If in case of a Code Share flight ET is indicated as the carrier these Conditions of Carriage also apply to such transportation. If such arrangements apply we will advise you of the carrier operating the aircraft at the time you make a reservation.

For Code Share services on flights operated by another carrier, ET is responsible for the entirety of the Code Share journey for all obligations to Passengers established in these rules. However, each Code Share partner has rules with respect to the operation of its own flights, which may differ from ET’s rules for flights operated by Ethiopian. Those rules are incorporated herein by reference and form a part of these Conditions of Carriage.

When an ET code share partner operates a flight to/ or from the U.S on which ET's "ET" designator code appears, the operating carrier's contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays will govern for that flight.

The rules with respect to operation by Ethiopian that may be different from its code Share partners include but are not limited to:

  1. Check in time limit
  2. Unaccompanied minors
  3. Carriage of animals
  4. Refusal to transport
  5. Oxygen services
  6. Irregular operation
  7. Denied boarding Compensation
  8. Baggage acceptance, allowance and liability

For the rules and regulations of Ethiopian Code Share partners, please refer to their websites or travel agency.

Ethiopian will advise passenger at the time inquiry whether an ET flight is operated by another carrier under the Code Share arrangement.

Please follow the link to review the list of Ethiopian Code Share partners.

Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of origin are advised that the provisions of a treaty known as the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention may be applicable to the entire journey, including any portion entirely within the country of origin or destination. Pursuant to these Conventions, the Carrier would be liable for damage sustained in case of death or bodily injury of a passenger upon condition only that the accident which caused the death or injury took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking.

Where the Warsaw Convention is applicable, the liability of the Carrier in case of death or bodily injury shall be limited to 8,300 SDR (approximately USD 10,000) per passenger (the limit will be raised to 16,600 SDR (approximately USD 20,000) per passenger where the Hague Protocol is also applicable). Where the Montreal Convention is applicable, for delay of passengers, a limit up to SDR 4,694 SDR (approximately USD 7,360) per passenger, and “strict liability” for death or bodily injury up to 113,100 SDR (approximately USD 177,341) would be applicable.

You should be aware that the Carrier reserves all defenses available under the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention or the applicable law, as the case may be, in order to limit its liability, or exonerate itself therefrom.

For passengers on a journey to, from, or with an agreed stopping place in the United States of America, either the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention may be applicable, but also special contracts of carriage embodied in applicable tariffs set by virtue of inter-carrier agreements provide that the liability of certain carrier parties to such special contracts, for death or personal injury to passengers is limited in most cases to proven damages not to exceed U.S.$75,000 per passenger*, and that this liability up to such limit shall not depend on negligence on the part of the Carrier. *Note: The limit of liability of U.S.$75,000 above is inclusive of legal fees and costs except that in case of a claim brought in a state where provision is made for separate award of legal fees and costs, the limit shall be the sum of U.S.$58,000 exclusive of legal fees and costs.

Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from a private Company. Such insurance is not affected by any limitation of the carrier’s liability under the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention or such special contracts of carriage. For further information please consult your Airline or insurance Company Representative.

Notice of Baggage Liability Limitations

Liability for loss, delay, or damage to baggage is limited unless a higher value is declared in advance and additional charges are paid. The Carrier would be liable for damage sustained in case of destruction of, or loss of or damage to checked baggage upon condition only that the event which caused the destruction, loss or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked baggage was in the charge of the Carrier. However, the Carrier is not liable to the extent that the damage resulted from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage.

For many international journeys, damage to baggage the Warsaw Convention may apply within the liability limits of 17 SDR (approximately USD 20) per kilogram for checked baggage and 332 SDR (approximately USD 400) per passenger for unchecked baggage. Where the Montreal Convention is applicable, subject to satisfactory evidence, the limits of liability shall be within the limit of 1,131 SDR (approximately USD 1,750) per passenger for destruction, loss, damage or delay of all baggage. For unchecked Baggage allowed on board, Carrier shall only be held liable in the event of a proven fault by the Carrier, its servants or agents. For travel wholly between U.S. points, Federal rules require any limit on an airline’s baggage liability to be at least U.S. $2.800 per passenger. Excess valuation may not be declared on certain types of articles. Unless or otherwise stated herein, international travel as defined in the convention is subject to the liability limits of the applicable convention.

You should be aware that the Carrier reserves all defenses available under the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention or the applicable law, as the case may be, in order to limit its liability, or exonerate itself therefrom.

Ethiopian shall not be liable for normal wear and tear such as scratches and dents.

Notice of Cargo Liability Limitations

For many international journeys Liability for destroyed, lost, damaged or delayed cargo the Warsaw Convention may apply within the liability limits of 17 Special Drawing Rights( SDR) (approximately USD 27) per kilogram. Where the Montréal Convention is applicable, the limit of liability is only up to an amount of 19 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) (approximately USD 31) per kilogram.

The limitation of the carrier’s liability in respect of total amount does not apply if the consignor has made, at the time when the package was handed over , a special declaration of interest in the delivery at destination and has paid the requested surcharge. In that case Ethiopian shall pay a compensation for destruction, loss, damage or delay up to the amount of the declared value unless it proves that the sum is higher than the consignor’s actual interest in delivery at destination .All compensation claims are subject to proof of value. Montréal Convention applies to all carriage to or from the Unites States.

Passengers must not include the following items in their Baggage:

  1. Items that are liable to endanger the aircraft, the persons or property on board, such as those specified in the dangerous goods regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and in the Carrier’s regulations, as applicable (additional information is available upon request from the Carrier); these items include, in particular, asbestos, explosives, pressurized gas, oxidizing, radioactive or magnetized substances, inflammable substances, toxic or corrosive substances and articles, liquids or other substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or property when transported by air.
  2. Items for which carriage is prohibited by the law in force in any State where flights depart, arrive, fly over or make scheduled Stopovers;
  3. Items reasonably considered by the Carrier to be unsuitable for carriage due to their weight, dimension, unpleasant odour, configuration or fragile or perishable nature, which make them unsuitable for carriage in light of, in particular, the type of aircraft used. Information on these items shall be provided to Passengers, upon request;
  4. Firearms and ammunition other than those intended for hunting or sport which, in order to be accepted as cargo or Checked Baggage, must be unloaded, suitably packed and have the safety catch on. The carriage of ammunition is subject to the ICAO and IATA dangerous goods regulations, as stated in paragraph (a) above;

    Ammunition, firearms, sharp knives and/or the following restricted items belonging to passengers shall not be carried inside cabin and/or flight deck (cockpit), and passengers must declare such items at the time of check-in. They shall only be accepted for carriage as checked baggage. Such firearms shall be unloaded, i.e. free of ammunition and suitably packed for such carriage. 

    • Toy or replica guns (plastic or metal) 
    • Catapults 
    • Household cutlery 
    • Knives with blades of any length 
    • Paper knives
    • Razor blades 
    • Tradesmen‘s tools 
    • Darts
    • Scissors
    • Hypodermic syringes
    • Knitting needles
    • Sporting bats 
    • Billiard, snooker or pool cues

    All ammunition shall be carried in the aircraft hold as checked baggage only and with approval of concerned Security Authorities.Small arms ammunition for sporting purposes in quantities not exceeding 5kg (10 lbs.) gross weight per passenger, securely boxed can be carried for personal use. However those with explosive or incendiary projectiles are totally prohibited for carriage by air.

    Firearm declaration form  CLICK HERE.

  5. Cutting weapons, stabbing weapons and aerosols that may be used as attack or defense weapons;
  6. Antique weapons, replica of weapons, swords, knives and other weapons of this type. This type of item may not be transported in the cabin under any circumstances. They may nevertheless be accepted as cargo or Checked Baggage, at the Carrier’s discretion;

The price of the ticket may include taxes and fees which are imposed on air transportation by government authorities. These taxes and fees, which may represent a significant portion of the cost of air travel, are either included in the fare, or shown separately in the “TAX” box (es) of the ticket. You may also be required to pay taxes or fees not already collected.

ET may refuse refund when application is not made within one year after the expiry date of the validity of ticket.

Carriage exclusively performed within Ethiopia is subject to the provision of the commercial code of Ethiopia which limits the liability of the carrier for death or bodily injury and for loss of or damage to baggage.


If the passenger’s journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure the Warsaw Convention (or any amendments thereof) or the Montreal Convention may be applicable and the Convention governs in most cases limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury and in respect of loss or damage to baggage. Further information may be obtained from the carrier.”

For all international Carriage to which the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention applies, in any action brought before an Italian Court, the limit of Liability shall be One hundred thousand (100,000) special drawing rights as defined by the International monetary Fund, to be converted into the national currency in accordance with the method of valuation applied by the International Monetary Fund.

Please make sure that you are in possession of all required travel documents with the appropriate entry visas, including a vaccination certificate.

Please indicate your seat and special meal preference at the time of booking your flight.

All Ethiopian flights are smoke free.


These pages are for informative purposes only and do not form a contract. As such, any information contained within this site is subject to change with or without notice. Ethiopian Airlines assumes no liability for these changes. Ethiopian also reserves the right to interpret and apply these policies and procedures. In each case, Ethiopian’s interpretations and applications shall be final and conclusive.

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Ethiopian Airlines A Star Alliance Member